Friday, April 2, 2010

strangelove: that's how my love goes. (thrift finds + depeche mode inspired outfit.)

hey loves!

so i went consignment-shopping with my quite fashionable friend, tabitha, about a week ago. i thought i'd share the fruits of our labor with you. (or at least, what i got. i know, so narcissistic.) she also got some amazing stuff from the consignment shop & one of her relatives -- true vintage stuff! but anyway, onto the pics~

denim shirt! i've already worn this once & it's so comfy. also, navy houndstooth-esque print dress. it fits a lot like a tennis dress, at least to me. $1! :)

cream & black brocade skirt! i'm so in love with this thing. the black print is velvet, too! the brown "hippie" skirt is actually a steal from tabitha, who didn't want it. score!

next: outfit! my inspiration for this outfit came from two of (my favorite band) depeche mode's members, circa middle-late 80's. (the title is a lyric from one of their 80's singles, actually.) how was i inspired? let me show you.

this is martin gore. in the mid-80's, he went through a semi-cross-dressing phase... a phase i love to draw inspiration from! while he no longer dresses in girl-clothes(xD), he still wears unique clothes & makeup for dm tours. i didn't find a picture with him in a skirt (though i have a few of him in a dress), but i found this one with his layered necklaces! also, check out that dangly earring.

oh, dave, i am sorry these pictures obscure your face! i'll make up for it. but anyway, dave makes denim look amazing -- he also didn't just wear denim jackets in the 80's, but also in the early 90's and even some in the 00's. his sunglasses in the late 80's & early 90's were also spectacular.

and, my outfit:

denim/sunglasses (dave) + necklaces/black skirt (martin)! i know, it pales in comparison to the real thing.
denim jacket &sunglasses are from kohl's, green shirt underneath & black ruffle skirt is from target. purple heels are from... goody's, maybe?

chain&rhinestone earrings are from belk's, cross pendant was a gift, chain&pearl necklace is vintage. also, flower ring (slightly evident in full-outfit pics) is from mark.

maybe i'm a bit too obsessed with dm... nah, not yet.
but anyway! what do you think?

with love,
rachel. <3


  1. fab outfit!
    whenever my mom takes the vintage stuff to the dry cleaners, i'll take pics. no clue when that'll be, but maybe sometime before next year.

  2. Don't be afraid to be indulgent in a band. Once you find a band you like, don't think of it as close-minded to stick with it; it's YOUR band. Now to get back on, nice outfits! XD

  3. tabitha: thanks! :) perhaps it'll be soon! those clothes need mass-attention.

    swiffy: i completely agree! of course, i think i'm a little more than indulgent, but nonetheless. & thank you!


thank you so much for commenting! i hold each one dear to my heart. :)
(p.s. i'll check out your blog, too!)