Thursday, April 8, 2010


happy thursday!

my goodness, i'm exhausted! been working on prom decorations since 3:30 and i've got a whole day of it planned for tomorrow. so i'm just going to cut right to the outfit~

denim jacket is from kohl's; white shirt is from wal-mart; brown hippie skirt is from the local consignment shop ($1!); yellow sandals are from a boutique in valdosta; purple&white scarf is from pac sun.

all three bracelets were gifts. i found the wooden braided one abandoned at my dad's house in my jewelry box! so happy i found it.

wooden heart earrings are from claire's, i believe. jade heart necklace was a gift. beaded necklaces are all vintage.

also, this is the prom-hairstyle i'm considering for this saturday. what do you think?

with love,
rachel. <3


  1. tabitha approves of the hair! have fun at prom!

  2. Very nice!! Like tha look Rach! :D

  3. thanks you guys! :)
    & tabitha, i most certainly did. :D


thank you so much for commenting! i hold each one dear to my heart. :)
(p.s. i'll check out your blog, too!)