Tuesday, March 9, 2010

three thrifted pieces & their outfits.

happy tuesday!

oh, it's been rather dreary here today. yesterday the sun was shining and it was beautiful outside -- today it's been cloudy&rainy&ick. it should clear up by thursday though, thank goodness! that tease of spring was so temptuous...

so, do you remember that post like two weeks ago when i talked about anna & me consignment-shopping? well, even if you don't, i have three outfits created with those three pieces i bought (not all together, however).

so, without further ado, outfit number 1: the teal blazer.

teal blazer from local consignment shop (chic frills is the name). it was $1! one of my luckiest purchases. purple zebra tank from pacsun -- i think the brand is nollie, not quite sure. grey skinnies are delia's. black flats from avon.

chain&rhinestone earrings are from belk's. chain&pearl necklace is vintage; my grandmother's originally.

outfit number 2: green girly!hoodie.

this outfit is more about the fact that pearls make any outfit more snazzy than being fashion-forward. this is just comfortable. xD
green girly!hoodie from consignment shop -- $4! loveee. white floral tank under from pacsun -- nollie, i believe. jeans are american eagle. flats from avon.

faux-pearls were bought in a sack of plastic jewelry for $3 at a yard sale! my mom just picked it up, thinking i might find something i liked -- well, i did! i'm also wearing my betsey johnson bow+teardrop earrings, though you can't really see them.

outfit number 3: red&white faded pinstripe mini.

forgive the messy hair! what a mess. haha. black cardi is from mark. (the avon company! i know, so surprising! haha.) white shirt underneath is op from walmart. red&white pinstripe mini from consignment shop -- $4! (and it's also a size 4, which is a big leap for me as far as losing weight goes. :D) grey tights are OLD and from delias -- they're textured & wool, so great for the rainy day we had today! purple "chucks" are one star by converse from target.

tangled necklaces! i love layered necklaces -- i just need more to layer. xD chain&rhinetsone earrings are from belk's. chain&pearl necklace is vintage, as stated above. cross pendant was a gift. also, check out the cute pocket on the shirt!

so, what do you think about my buys? i think for those prices i did pretty well! :) also, i've noticed i wear a lot of the same accessories and whatnot... do you think i need to change this? i'm curious; i don't want to bore people!

i hope you had a lovely tuesday!

with love,
rachel. <3

(ps. how do you feel about the new outfit-pictures -- like in outfits 2&3 -- as compared to mirror-pics? i personally like them, but you are the reader! let me know.)

with double the love,
rachel. <33


  1. it's official: i'm stealing the blazer. it's mineeeee.
    and i do like the new non mirror pics, not that the mirror pics are bad.

  2. you're welcome to borrow, but i've already laid claim to it, so it is mineeee.
    & alrighty! i prefer them as well. they show the outfit off better.


thank you so much for commenting! i hold each one dear to my heart. :)
(p.s. i'll check out your blog, too!)