Sunday, March 7, 2010

film inspiration: the great gatsby

happy sunday!

so yesterday i watched the great gatsby -- or to be more precise, the second half. it was GREAT in terms of aesthetics, and though the way it was shot & the somewhat soap-opera-style may have thrown some people off, i highly enjoyed it. i also read the book late last year for my english class, and i have a literary crush on f. scott fitzgerald anyway, so... xD

and it was such an inspiration! the 1920's were such a liberating time, as far as women's fashion goes. this movie's costumes were great. so look on! though you won't believe how ridiculously hard it is to find screenshots of the movie -- i couldn't find any of jordan or nick, and i really prefered jordan to daisy. oh well. (also, sam waterston was excellence in this movie, though he looked a little strange without the grey... haha.)

ahaha, i love this swimming attire! <3

ah, i did find one of jordan! she's the brunette.

so, how do you feel about the great gatsby? if you've neither read nor watched, i highly recommend doing both.

with love,
rachel. <3


  1. Soooo...the movie leaves out the best part when Myrtle gets her boob blown off??? xD just kidding! The Great Gatsby was a very...colorful book xD


  2. ahh, stuuupid jonas. :P it was indeed quite colorful, and rather flamboyant. ahaha.


thank you so much for commenting! i hold each one dear to my heart. :)
(p.s. i'll check out your blog, too!)