Monday, February 22, 2010

music!monday -- radiohead & placebo (again).

hello darlings!

it's music!monday~

i've been feeling very down-tempo lately. most of this music is actually pretty depressing. good, but depressing. i think i've been listening to it because i'm so exhausted -- i swear to god i'm running off coffee and willpower sometimes.

anywho, onto the music:

creep -- radiohead. i love radiohead, and i really love this song.

my sweet prince. ah, another placebo song. i can't stop listening to them! this song is so beautiful; it gives me chills. it feels so hopeless and beautiful and it pretty much leaves me beyond words.

so, dears, how do you like the music?

with love,
rachel. <3


  1. This is quite the depressing sounding music you've given us for a Monday. Ah, Raidohead, finally a band you like that I can kinda relate to. I don't know much from them, but this song sounds really good. I especially how pronounced the rhythm guitar is. That doesn't seem to happen a whole lot in music. Can't say I like Placebo that much though. The voice is just ever so slightly annoying. I like the musical approach, but it's just too difficult for me to get into, today at least. Give me until tomorrow when I'm in another one of my moods and I'll probably like this song. XD

    I hope you start feeling better soon. Your exhaustion and frustration is really starting to become apparent. We need happy, crazy Rachel back! D:

    One more thing, with all the commenting I do on your post, it would be nice if I got a few on my own every now and then. *Hint hint* ^_^

  2. LOL swiffy spelled radiohead wrong xD anywho, NICE JOB AGAIN SOOPA!!! ;D

  3. swiffy: radiohead is very good stuff! the lead singer also has an excellent falsetto, which i loveeee. placebo could be an acquired taste, i suppose. personally i LOVE his voice, but to each his own.

    jonas: although you didn't post your name (:PPPP), THANKS! :D

  4. Who said i was this "jonas"???? >_> hahaha xD

    -Jonas xD


thank you so much for commenting! i hold each one dear to my heart. :)
(p.s. i'll check out your blog, too!)