Wednesday, June 23, 2010

there's a geek in all of us.


so, just to clarify before we begin: this outfit was for a skit my friend & i did for our spanish class a few months ago. i had to dress up as a nerd. i really love this outfit, nerdy as it is!

shirt is one star by converse from target, skirt is thrifted, shoes are candies, suspenders & glasses are from walmart, pearl earrings were a gift.

i really like this outfit! it's so goofy, & i loved wearing it to school for three hours. xD i think the glasses were what really made it so wonderful. i haven't broken out the suspenders since i wore this, but i think i'm going to have to sometime soon! thoughts?

also, i was mega sick when i wore this, so i apologize for looking so under the weather. it was just too much fun to pass up!

life lately has been pretty bland... haven't worn any great outfits; i've been attempting to chill in tank tops & shorts. however, my best friend anna & i are hanging out, so i think i might do some outfit shots tomorrow.

with love,
rachel. <3


  1. although you only dressed up for fun, i love the suspenders!

  2. Wow, great photos. I seems like you had a lot of fun. Love it!

  3. cute glasses, love the shoes as well :]


  4. loveee it; theres DEFINITELY a nerd in all of us.. im currently re-reading the harry potter series for the ssixth time
    you look HOTT girl!

  5. SO CUTE!! Happy Friday! Have a great weekend!

  6. Love ur blog, and the geek glasses are great!

  7. Cute glasses! I remember when we used to have to do performances and dress up! I remember sticking a feather into my beret for Romeo and Juliet!

  8. hahaha i love it. you cutie!


thank you so much for commenting! i hold each one dear to my heart. :)
(p.s. i'll check out your blog, too!)