Thursday, July 8, 2010

black & blue (& white) again.


mm, i've been a bad blogger lately. sorry! not feeling very wordy tonight; i'm kinda exhausted. onto the outfit~

striped shirt & blue skirt are forever 21; black peep-toe heels are from rack room (cannot remember the brand, sorry!); earrings were a gift; pearl&chain necklace is vintage; cream bangle is from charming charlie.

wore this out shopping/eating today with the family in tuscaloosa. bought my cousin a lingerie shower present, ate at moe's (junior art vandelay, streaker style! yum.), then mom took my brother to gamestop & i went to charming charlie & bought a ring & necklace. however, i went originally in search of a cross-body mini-purse, for mine is slowly coming apart at the seams! any suggestions?

i also won a shine by three giveaway! it's a modekungen shopping bag, & it's coming from sweden, i believe. i'm so excited; it's the first thing i've ever won! :) pictures as soon as it comes in.

with love,
rachel. <3


  1. I open the page and I'm like, "Oh look, stripes." I scroll down and the skirt's all like, "WHABAM, BLUE!" Could that thing be any bluer?

  2. You look so great again, the blue skirt is beautiful!!!

    LOVE minnja

  3. RACHEL, you won an blog-award again!!!
    Please take a look:

    LOVE minnja

  4. Stripes and a mini full skirt, always a winning combination :)

  5. there was the cutest black patent leather bag in charming charlie's the other day, with a long chain strap. could probably go across the body. on sale for $10. killed me to leave without it, but i am broker than broke.


thank you so much for commenting! i hold each one dear to my heart. :)
(p.s. i'll check out your blog, too!)