Friday, January 22, 2010

bo(red) & red for haiti.


you'll have to excuse my belatedness -- this week has been rather hectic for me. in fact, the next month or so is going to be insane, so you'll probably have to excuse this vice quite a few more times.

however! today i'm posting monday's and tueday's outfits.

MONDAY: bo(red).

i was going prom dress shopping. how bipolar is that in relation to this outfit? haha.
i saw a picture in teen vogue, feb. 2010 of sasha pivovarova in an off-the-shoulder tee and decided i'd try something akin to it. it's nothing like her outfit's boho-vibe, but i like my take on the loose fit.
the shirt says "bo(red)" & is from the (red) line at gap -- i bought this shirt when the line first started a few years ago, though. under, there is a red tank.
jeans are super skinny levi's (i wear these constantly, so i'll give you the number sooner or later). boots are doc marten wannabes.

face shot! haha. i wore red lips & very little eye makeup.
cameo necklace was either thrifted or picked up from a yard sale. pearl & chain necklace was my grandmother's.
jewelry not pictured in the close up, but in the full shot: silver bangle was a gift, faux-pearl costume bracelet was a gift as well.

doc marten wannabes close up! these are actually from wal mart. i don't approve of the corporate beast, but mom got me these as cheap snow boots. i love them, especially for the cost!


i had no idea of wear red for haiti day until late monday night. i found it quite ironic i wore red the day before. still got some red in, however...

it was 60 degrees out! so of course i broke out the short sleeves. xD shirt is a depeche mode concert tee, skirt is old navy -- though i picked it up from a local consignment shop for $6! tights... i have no idea. xD shoes are rocketdog.

shirt close up! so, depeche mode is my ALL TIME FAVORITE band. i wear this shirt at least once a month. it's american apparel and it's the softest thing ever -- i'm going to have to buy a zillion of their tees. earrings are betsey johnson. pearl & chain necklace was my grandmother's. (hey, haven't i seen that somewhere before...? :P)
bracelets on my arm (not all are very visible): thick silver bangle was a gift my dad got for me in romania; black square beaded bracelet was a gift, rhinestone-studded bracelet is new york & company, three mini-beaded bracelets... i cannot remember.

my rocketdog wedges. these things are AMAZING. i bought them back in 8th grade on my first all-state choir trip. i love the print, the peep toe, the cute rosette, how fucking comfortable these things are! i haven't worn them in a while though, but this is sure to change. :D

wore another red lip with this outfit. what can i say, i love my lips! ;D

what did YOU wear for wear red for haiti day?
also, if anyone knows, why are my mirror!posts smaller than the others? i select them all to be large. maybe i'm just computer illiterate. haha.

with love!
rachel. <3>


  1. fab blog post dah-ling! i also wore red tights on wear red for haiti day! and red lips! great minds think alike.

  2. thank you! :) oh yes, and our minds are most fabulously great.


thank you so much for commenting! i hold each one dear to my heart. :)
(p.s. i'll check out your blog, too!)